Айсылу replied to Cat Head Eagle's status
@dravyptak@mastodon.ml я не первое читаю. это просто что было в базе Буквирма
just your local eepy coffee-addicted fox trying to distract herself from the man-made horrors with books. I read fantasy and non-fiction books mostly
she/her. my main fedi account is @wonderfox_dev@suya.place . also you can find my website on wonderfox.anyaforger.art/
the reading history on this account starts with January 2025
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12% complete! Айсылу has read 8 of 65 books.
@dravyptak@mastodon.ml я не первое читаю. это просто что было в базе Буквирма
Unlike some operating systems, Linux doesn’t try to hide the important bits from you—it gives you full control of your …
ActivityPub is the new standard for connecting social networks together on the social web. This open, decentralized social networking protocol …
How do you kill something that was never born…
Thad Beaumont would like to say he is innocent.
He’d like …
Although he was surprisingly athletic, he had never been good with ball sports. Put simply, Masachika and balls didn’t get along. It always felt as if he had killed the balls’ parents, and they were trying to exact revenge on him.
— Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian, Vol. 2 by SunSunSun, Momoco
After saying some pretty embarrassing things to each other, Alya and Masachika are trying to figure out the nature of …
Billy Halleck, good husband, loving father, is both beneficiary and victim of the American Good Life: he has an expensive …
You were starting to sound a little like a Stephen King novel for a while there, but it’s not like that.
— Thinner by Stephen King
лол, разрушение четвёртой стены (потому что это и есть книга Стивена Кинга)
Actual facts, as always, were negotiable —you learned that quickly in the lawyer business.
— Thinner by Stephen King
@skobkin спасибо!
Billy Halleck, good husband, loving father, is both beneficiary and victim of the American Good Life: he has an expensive …
@skobkin да, я скачала их 6. я имела в виду "когда руки до них дойдут"
В данное издание вошли лучшие произведения Говарда Лавкрафта — бесконечно разнообразные и многогранные. Одни относятся к классическому «черному неоромантизму», другие …