@skobkin IMO, I'd say there shouldn't be too much fighting in this story at all as its strongest part is characters, not battles, but… 🤷
Ténno Seremélʹ replied to Alexey Skobkin (books)'s status
Alexey Skobkin (books) replied to Ténno Seremélʹ's status
@tennoseremel I agree.
I was charmed by it's first parts. There was some fighting, but it was either important for the story or fun. But this volume is AFAIR second volume of the series containing mostly ONLY battle scenes. It's becoming more and more tiring because characters just becoming overpowered and there is more deus-ex-machina twists. I guess it's a genre-related problem too :(
It was very easy for me to drop this volume for ~2 years because of what I said above and the fact that I read web novel version before.