rústica, 310 pages

Spanish language

Published March 18, 1991 by Minotauro.

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5 stars (4 reviews)

Smaug parecía profundamente dormido cuando Bilbo espió una vez más desde la entrada. ¡Pero fingía estar dormido! ¡Estaba vigilando la entrada del túnel!... Sacado de su cómodo agujero-hobbit por Gandalf y una banda de enanos, Bilbo se encuentra de pronto en medio de una conspiración que pretende apoderarse del tesoro de Smaug el Magnífico, un enorme y muy peligroso dragón... «Todos los que aman esos libros para niños que pueden ser leídos y releídos por adultos han de tomar buena nota de que una nueva estrella ha aparecido en esa constelación.» C.S. LEWIS

228 editions

Hobbita sakonean

4 stars

Epub batean irakurri dut, eta ziur nago paperezko edizioan gehiago disfrutatuko nuela, oharrak, mapak eta marrazkiak hobeto ikusten baitira! Hobbita eta Tolkienen mundua gustuko duenarentzat oso gomendagarria da argitalpen hau, eta noski Hobbita bera ipuin zoragarria dela esan behar! Merezi du!

The timeless classic of the fantasy genre

5 stars

The Hobbit is the first of Tolkien's stories set in the Middle Earth... Actually this book needs no introduction as majority of people are probably aware of its existance and know how Tolkien pioneered the modern fantasy genre. However, it still holds strongly to this day. This epic story of a hobbit embarking on an unexpected journey with a team of dwarves and a wizard just really hooks you in and the world around is built with passion and full of surprises. I love it and now I understand why it's so praised by many.

Fantastic new audiobook edition

5 stars

It's been a couple of decades since I last read The Hobbit, but the story still holds up. This new audiobook edition is read by Andy Serkis (the actor who voiced and played Gollum, among many others). His voice acting is spectacular and really adds to the book. Highly recommended!